Thursday, May 1, 2014

Arrival in Israel by Marcus Wobschall

After a long day of traveling, we finally arrived in Tel Aviv at about 4:30 local time. Despite the long days, everybody has been in good spirits and is very excited for our pilgrimage through the Holy Land. For our first week here, we are staying with a group of Briggetine Sisters. They have shown us great hospitality and welcomed us with great charity.

Marcus diligently working
on this post
As our plane was descending over the land of Israel this afternoon, I couldn't help but think of God leading Moses & the Israelites through the desert into the Promised Land. This very Sacred Land was the very land we saw as the plane descended over Israel. This is the Sacred Land where the Israelites personally experienced God's loving providence for them. As the plane wheels touched ground, I thought of the Israelites as they first stepped foot onto the Promised Land, and the great joy it must have been for them. Now, here am I, stepping foot onto this same Sacred Ground. Now, its my turn for God to reveal his loving providence in my life, and the lives of my seminary brothers. Now is the time. God has fulfilled His promise and brought us to the Promised Land, the very land where Jesus Christ stepped foot and revealed the face of God for all humanity. All of world history was changed in this place.

Jesus, open our hearts to your loving action in our lives. Bless and reward all those who made this pilgrimage possible for us, especially our benefactors.


  1. Reading this post, I was reliving my experience touching down in Tel Aviv in March of 2009. Such an amazing and blessed experience. I'm so happy you all arrived safely and are getting to experience this precious holy land! God bless you all. You are in my prayers.

  2. Enjoying these posts and pictures. Reminding me of when my son (Fr. Eric) was a seminarian on this same pilgrimage. May God bless all of you and fill you with his Spirit of wisdom and peace!

  3. Glad to hear you are in Tel Aviv. Did your Mother upgrade you to first class? You deserve it if she didn't!!! Cannot wait to hear your stories and see pictures. Your favorite uncle. Bob.
